Your Config.Dispatch and Config.NotifDispatchAlerts should be setted to "true" value.
You then need to add the following 'trigger' in your script, depending on whether your script code is 'client' or 'server'.
local coords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local title = 'Title'
local subtitle = 'Subtitle'
local code = '10-90'
local color = 'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
local peopleToJoin = '10'
local spriteId = 458
local blipColorJob = 3
local blipColorOther = 76
TriggerEvent('qf-mdt/addDispatchAlert', coords, title, subtitle, code, color, peopleToJoin, spriteId, blipColorJob, blipColorOther)
local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source))
local title = 'Title'
local subtitle = 'Subtitle'
local code = '10-90'
local color = 'rgb(255, 0, 255)'
local peopleToJoin = '10'
local spriteId = 458
local blipColorJob = 3
local blipColorOther = 76
TriggerClientEvent('qf-mdt/addDispatchAlert', -1, coords, title, subtitle, code, color, peopleToJoin, spriteId, blipColorJob, blipColorOther)